COSMOS Stellar Conflict - Alpha Galaxy

Space Dragons



Hex H1014: B system
   S0104(SD) Explorer: 5 d.p./100%
Hex H1211: B system
   S0103(SD) Explorer: 5 d.p./100%
Hex H1315: B system (phase 12)
   --- explored ---
   KAPN-4 [P109] (phase 4)
        type: terran size: 75 minerals: 1
      C109(Pr) Colony (phase 4)
Hex H1316: B system (phase 12)
   --- explored ---
   QNMZ-4 [P189] (phase 8)
        type: sub-terran size: 45 minerals: 2
   QNMZ-5 [P190] (phase 8)
        type: gas giant minerals: 3
Hex H1414: A system
   --- explored ---
   Dragonhome [P138]
        type: terran size: 80 minerals: 2
      C138(SD) Colony
           Resources: i.p.:190 population:60
   XRSN-3 [P239] (beginning of turn)
        type: terran size: 80 minerals: 2
Hex H1415: C system
   --- explored ---
   S0100(SD) Corvette: 5 d.p./100%
Hex H1417: B system
   --- explored ---
   WBAM-4 [P268] (phase 10)
        type: sub-terran size: 45 minerals: 2
   WBAM-7 [P269] (phase 10)
        type: gas giant minerals: 3
   S0101(SD) Scout: 2 d.p./100%
        moving towards H1418 (arrives turn 2 phase 1)
   S1504(BJ) Scout: 2 d.p./100%
Hex H1611: deep space
   S0105(SD) Explorer: 5 d.p./100%
Hex H1714: D system
   --- explored ---
   BRRG-1 [P163] (phase 10)
        type: minimal terran size: 25 minerals: 2
   BRRG-2 [P164] (phase 10)
        type: minimal terran size: 40 minerals: 2
   BRRG-5 [P165] (phase 10)
        type: barren size: 45 minerals: 3
   BRRG-7 [P166] (phase 10)
        type: gas giant minerals: 4
   S0102(SD) Scout: 2 d.p./100%
        moving towards H1813 (arrives turn 2 phase 1)



RACE TYPE: traveller administrator


Administration points: 25
Base cost of overtime administration: 9


Research points available for next turn: 10
(maximum possible with overtime research: 20)
Research points used this turn: 10

Technology report for Space Dragons

General Science I - cost: 100
Efficient Construction - cost: 25
Improved Industrial Engineering - cost: 20, spent: 10
Efficient Ship Building - cost: 35
Robotic Industry - cost: 50
Relativity Drive - available turn 0
Warp Drive - cost: 35
Hyper Drive - cost: 110
Ion Cannons - cost: 20
Energy Shield - cost: 30
Secure Launch System - cost: 80


Available at beginning of turn: 130 i.p.
Used this turn: 150 i.p.
Total production: 210 i.p.
Available for next turn: 190 i.p.
   located in colonies: 190 i.p.


Total population: 60
located in colonies: 60
Scoring population: 60
Happy population: 0
Population growth this turn: 10


Neutral: Aa, EE, DZ, RX, LP, PA, Ro, NN, SS, RR, KN, NP, FF, BJ, UP
Enemy: Pr


C138 Colony at P138 (map position H1414)
   Planet: terran, minerals 2, size 80
   Population: 60 (maximum population: 80)
   Starport: 20 (starport capacity: 80)
   Industries: 45 (colony may operate: 60)
   Research centres: 10
   Defence bases: 5 (colony may operate: 120)
   Resources: 190 i.p.
S0100 Corvette: 5 d.p. at H1415
S0101 Scout: 2 d.p. at H1417
   Pending orders:
      farmove H1418 (begun-1)
      farmove H1419
S0102 Scout: 2 d.p. at H1714
   Pending orders:
      move H1813 (begun-1)
S0103 Explorer: 5 d.p. at H1211
   Pending orders:
S0104 Explorer: 5 d.p. at H1014
   Pending orders:
S0105 Explorer: 5 d.p. at H1611
   Pending orders:
      farmove H1610


26 orders given.
19 orders counted against the administration limit (25).
Space Dragons is now a traveller administrator race
Space Dragons spend 10 points on research of Improved Industrial Engineering
XRSN-3 [P138] is now Dragonhome [P138]


C138(SD) Colony builds S0103(SD) Explorer at H1414
C138(SD) Colony builds S0104(SD) Explorer at H1414
C138(SD) Colony builds S0105(SD) Explorer at H1414
C138(SD) Colony constructs 20 industries
S0103(SD) Explorer starts to move from H1414 to H1413
S0104(SD) Explorer starts to move from H1414 to H1315
S0101(SD) Scout starts to move from H1414 to H1415
S0105(SD) Explorer starts to move from H1414 to H1413
S0100(SD) Corvette starts to move from H1414 to H1315
S0102(SD) Scout starts to move from H1414 to H1515


S0102(SD) Scout moves from H1414 to H1515
S0104(SD) Explorer moves from H1414 to H1315
S0103(SD) Explorer moves from H1414 to H1413
S0101(SD) Scout moves from H1414 to H1415
S0100(SD) Corvette moves from H1414 to H1315
S0105(SD) Explorer moves from H1414 to H1413


Exploration report on H1315 from S0100(SD) Corvette:
   KAPN-4 [P109]
        type: terran size: 75 minerals: 1
      C109(Pr) Colony
S0104(SD) Explorer starts to move from H1315 to H1215
S0101(SD) Scout starts to move from H1415 to H1416
S0103(SD) Explorer starts to move from H1413 to H1313
S0102(SD) Scout starts to move from H1515 to H1614
S0105(SD) Explorer starts to move from H1413 to H1513


S0100(SD) Corvette starts to move from H1315 to H1316


S0101(SD) Scout moves from H1415 to H1416
S0105(SD) Explorer moves from H1413 to H1513
S0102(SD) Scout moves from H1515 to H1614
S0103(SD) Explorer moves from H1413 to H1313
S0104(SD) Explorer moves from H1315 to H1215


S0103(SD) Explorer starts to move from H1313 to H1212
S0105(SD) Explorer starts to move from H1513 to H1612
S0104(SD) Explorer starts to move from H1215 to H1115
S0100(SD) Corvette moves from H1315 to H1316
S0101(SD) Scout starts to move from H1416 to H1417
S0102(SD) Scout starts to move from H1614 to H1714


Exploration report on H1316 from S0100(SD) Corvette:
   QNMZ-4 [P189]
        type: sub-terran size: 45 minerals: 2
   QNMZ-5 [P190]
        type: gas giant minerals: 3


S0105(SD) Explorer moves from H1513 to H1612
S0103(SD) Explorer moves from H1313 to H1212
S0101(SD) Scout moves from H1416 to H1417
S0102(SD) Scout moves from H1614 to H1714
S0100(SD) Corvette starts to move from H1316 to H1415
S0104(SD) Explorer moves from H1215 to H1115


Exploration report on H1417 from S0101(SD) Scout:
   WBAM-4 [P268]
        type: sub-terran size: 45 minerals: 2
   WBAM-7 [P269]
        type: gas giant minerals: 3
Exploration report on H1714 from S0102(SD) Scout:
   BRRG-1 [P163]
        type: minimal terran size: 25 minerals: 2
   BRRG-2 [P164]
        type: minimal terran size: 40 minerals: 2
   BRRG-5 [P165]
        type: barren size: 45 minerals: 3
   BRRG-7 [P166]
        type: gas giant minerals: 4
S0105(SD) Explorer starts to move from H1612 to H1611
S0104(SD) Explorer starts to move from H1115 to H1014
S0103(SD) Explorer starts to move from H1212 to H1211


S0101(SD) Scout starts to move from H1417 to H1418
S0102(SD) Scout starts to move from H1714 to H1813
S0100(SD) Corvette moves from H1316 to H1415


Exploration report on H1415 from S0100(SD) Corvette:
   Nothing of interest found.
S0103(SD) Explorer moves from H1212 to H1211
S1504(BJ) Scout moves from H1418 to H1417
S0104(SD) Explorer moves from H1115 to H1014
S0105(SD) Explorer moves from H1612 to H1611


Player victory points sorted by score:
110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110, 110 and 110
(Space Dragons: 110)

Total population, sorted:
60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60 and 60
(Space Dragons: 60)

I.p. production, sorted:
250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250, 218 and 210
(Space Dragons: 210)

Research point production, sorted:
10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 and 10
(Space Dragons: 10)

Number of colonies, sorted:
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 and 1
(Space Dragons: 1)

I.p. value of fleet, sorted:
70, 55, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25 and 25
(Space Dragons: 55)

Total i.p. value of destroyed/dismantled ships: 0


Your orders as read

type traveller administrator
research "Improved Industrial Engineering"
name P138 Dragonhome

build 2
    farmove H1211
build 2
    farmove H1014
build 2
    farmove H1610
construct industries

move sw
move s
move ne

farmove H1417
farmove H1419

farmove H1714
move H1813