COSMOS Fantasy - War of the Dark God



Hex 120: farmlands (SI)
   North Isle [1908(SI)]: size 3 of 5
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 8
      5201(SI) Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      5202(SI) Medium Infantry: 100/100%/100%
      5203(SI) Archers: 50/100%/100%
Hex 122: wooded hills (SI)
   South Isle [1909(SI)]: size 2 of 4
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 8
      5204(SI) Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      5205(SI) Hill Men: 75/100%/100%
      5206(SI) Woodsmen: 50/100%/100%
   Stone Circle [1947(SI)]
Hex 158: mountains
   4809(GI) Giant Spiders: 30/100%/100%
Hex 189: mountains
   4724(IM) Eagle-men: 50/100%/100%
Hex 259: hills
   Seaside Ruins [1900]
        interior terrain: ruins
   Stone Circle [1920]
   4808(GI) Giant Spiders: 25/100%/100%
Hex 287: farmlands (NI)
   Mistyhome [1816(NI)]: size 6 of 12
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 10
        city walls: rating:2 strength:7
      Misty Castle [1867(NI)]
           interior terrain: structure
           fortification rating:4 strength:14
         4501(NI*) King of the Isles (Noble): 8 w.p./100%
         4502(NI+) Prince Garold (Noble): 8 w.p./100%
         4505(NI) High Priest of Requa: 10 w.p./100%
              Resources: holy mana:30
         4508(NI) Captain: 8 w.p./100%
         4509(NI) Captain: 8 w.p./100%
         4510(NI) Medium Infantry: 75/100%/100%
         4511(NI) Medium Infantry: 75/100%/100%
         4512(NI) Archers: 100/100%/100%
         4518(NI) Medium Infantry: 100/100%/100%
         4519(NI) Light Infantry: 100/100%/100%
   4517(NI) Medium Cavalry: 50/100%/100%
Hex 292: mountains (So)
   The Dark Tower [1862(So)]
        interior terrain: structure
        fortification rating:4 strength:15
      3201(So*) Sorcerer of the Dark Tower: 8 w.p./100%
           Resources: enchantment mana:50
         Power Ring [1951(So)]
      3202(So) Minor Sorcerer: 8 w.p./100%
           Resources: enchantment mana:10
      3203(So) Minor Sorcerer: 8 w.p./100%
           Resources: enchantment mana:10
      3209(So) Mercenary Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      3210(So) Mercenaries (Medium Infantry): 25/100%/100%
      3211(So) Mercenary Archers: 25/100%/100%
      3212(So) Mountain Men: 50/100%/100%
Hex 294: mountains
   Iron Mine [1940(IM)]
        interior terrain: caves
Hex 297: farmlands (HE)
   Ogellion [1804(HE)]: size 10 of 20
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 10
        city walls: rating:4 strength:13
      The White Tower [1853(HE)]
           interior terrain: structure
           fortification rating:5 strength:15
         4001(HE*) King Cegallin (Elven Lord): 12 w.p./100%
         4004(HE) Mouth of Enellior (Elven Priest): 12 w.p./100%
              Resources: holy mana:30
         4010(HE) Elven Infantry: 50/100%/100%
         4011(HE) Elven Archers: 50/100%/100%
      4008(HE) Elven Captain: 10 w.p./100%
      4016(HE) Elven Pikemen: 100/100%/100%
Hex 301: farmlands (PP)
   Pyr [1806(PP)]: size 4 of 10
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 6
      Castle Pyr [1852(PP)]
           interior terrain: structure
           fortification rating:3 strength:11
         3601(PP*) King of Pyr (Pirate Lord): 10 w.p./100%
              Resources: enchantment mana:20
         3604(PP+) Redskull the Grim (Pirate Lord): 10 w.p./100%
      3607(PP) Pirate: 10 w.p./100%
      3609(PP) Mercenary Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      3610(PP) Pirates: 75/100%/100%
      3611(PP) Pirates: 75/100%/100%
      3614(PP) Mercenaries (Medium Infantry): 75/100%/100%
      3615(PP) Mercenary Archers: 75/100%/100%
Hex 328: mountains
   Gold Mine [1904(IM)]
        interior terrain: caves
      4711(IM) Darklings: 150/100%/100%
Hex 329: hills
   4709(IM) Giants: 30/100%/100%
Hex 331: farmlands (HE)
   Mirion [1830(HE)]: size 5 of 10
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 10
        city walls: rating:3 strength:11
      4002(HE+) Lady Niella (Elven Lord): 12 w.p./100%
      4007(HE) Elven Knight: 12 w.p./100%
      4014(HE) Elven Archers: 100/100%/100%
      4015(HE) Elven Cavalry: 75/100%/100%
Hex 332: farmlands (HE)
   Castle Trollbane [1859(HE)]
        interior terrain: structure
        fortification rating:4 strength:12
      4003(HE+) Lord Gara (Elven Lord): 12 w.p./100%
      4009(HE) Elven Captain: 10 w.p./100%
      4012(HE) Elven Infantry: 50/100%/100%
      4013(HE) Elven Archers: 50/100%/100%
      4017(HE) Elven Infantry: 50/100%/100%
      4018(HE) Elven Archers: 50/100%/100%
Hex 358: farmlands (NI)
   Woodisle [1842(NI)]: size 3 of 6
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 7
      4504(NI+) Duke of Woodisle (Noble): 8 w.p./100%
      4515(NI) Medium Infantry: 100/100%/100%
      4516(NI) Archers: 50/100%/100%
Hex 361: wooded hills
   4704(IM) Centaurs: 40/100%/100%
Hex 363: woods
   Stone Circle [1919]
   4805(GI) Giant Ants: 350/100%/100%
Hex 373: hills (PP)
   Rockcove [1822(PP)]: size 5 of 10
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 6
      Rockcove Keep [1847(PP)]
           interior terrain: structure
           fortification rating:4 strength:14
         3602(PP+) Mack the Black (Pirate Lord): 10 w.p./100%
         3603(PP+) Crossbones Jack (Pirate Lord): 10 w.p./100%
         3616(PP) Medium Infantry: 50/100%/100%
         3617(PP) Archers: 50/100%/100%
         3618(PP) Medium Infantry: 50/100%/100%
         3619(PP) Archers: 50/100%/100%
      3608(PP) Pirate: 10 w.p./100%
      3612(PP) Pirates: 75/100%/100%
      3613(PP) Pirates: 75/100%/100%
   Old Skull Mine [1870(PP)]
        interior terrain: caves
Hex 394: hills (OQ)
   Northshore [1826(OQ)]: size 5 of 10
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 8
        city walls: rating:3 strength:11
      Northshore Keep [1845(OQ)]
           interior terrain: structure
           fortification rating:4 strength:14
         3902(OQ+) Master of Northshore (Noble): 8 w.p./100%
         3907(OQ) Knight: 10 w.p./100%
         3911(OQ) Crossbowmen: 75/100%/100%
         3917(OQ) Heavy Infantry: 100/100%/100%
      3915(OQ) Heavy Infantry: 50/100%/100%
Hex 395: wooded hills (Dr)
   Holy Grove [1885(Dr)]
        interior terrain: woods
      4302(Dr+) Master Druid of Willows: 10 w.p./100%
   Stone Circle [1942(Dr)]
Hex 399: woods (Dr)
   Holy Grove [1884(Dr)]
        interior terrain: woods
      4301(Dr*) Master Druid of Oaks: 10 w.p./100%
   4311(Dr) Woodsmen: 75/100%/100%
Hex 403: wooded hills
   Stone Circle [1944]
   4717(IM) Centaurs: 50/100%/100%
Hex 405: hills (Gn)
   Dwarfhome [1834(Gn)]: size 4 of 8
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 5
        city walls: rating:3 strength:9
      3709(Gn) Dwarven Captain: 10 w.p./100%
      3714(Gn) Dwarven Infantry: 50/100%/100%
      3715(Gn) Dwarven Crossbowmen: 50/100%/100%
Hex 410: jungle
   4801(GI) Giant Spiders: 40/100%/100%
Hex 411: mountains
   Iron Mine [1916]
        interior terrain: caves
   4702(IM) Minotaurs: 40/100%/100%
Hex 428: woods (NI)
   Stone Circle [1915(NI)]
Hex 435: woods (Dr)
   Stone Circle [1949(Dr)]
   4314(Dr) Treants: 20/100%/100%
Hex 436: high mountains
   4908(An) Giant Eagles: 40/100%/100%
Hex 437: mountains (Tr)
   Granaduk Mines [1864(Tr)]
        interior terrain: caves
      3504(Tr) Bloodgem (Troll Shaman): 10 w.p./100%
      3511(Tr) Trolls: 25/100%/100%
Hex 443: jungle
   4720(IM) Cat-men: 100/100%/100%
Hex 444: farmlands (CE)
   El-Nabur [1836(CE)]: size 5 of 10
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 7
      Castle of El-Nabur [1872(CE)]
           interior terrain: structure
           fortification rating:4 strength:13
         4604(CE+) Emir of El-Nabur: 8 w.p./100%
         4612(CE) Light Infantry: 100/100%/100%
         4613(CE) Archers: 100/100%/100%
Hex 465: hills
   4706(IM) Minotaurs: 30/100%/100%
Hex 466: farmlands (OQ)
   Quama [1814(OQ)]: size 8 of 15
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 10
        city walls: rating:3 strength:11
      Quama Castle [1844(OQ)]
           interior terrain: structure
           fortification rating:4 strength:14
         3901(OQ*) Grand Master of Quama (Noble): 8 w.p./100%
         3905(OQ) High Priest of Quama: 10 w.p./100%
              Resources: holy mana:30
         3906(OQ) Knight: 10 w.p./100%
         3910(OQ) Crossbowmen: 100/100%/100%
         3916(OQ) Heavy Cavalry: 75/100%/100%
      3914(OQ) Heavy Infantry: 50/100%/100%
Hex 467: farmlands (OQ)
   Horseford Keep [1854(OQ)]
        interior terrain: structure
        fortification rating:4 strength:14
      3903(OQ+) Master of Horseford (Noble): 8 w.p./100%
      3908(OQ) Knight: 10 w.p./100%
      3912(OQ) Crossbowmen: 75/100%/100%
      3918(OQ) Pikemen: 100/100%/100%
Hex 468: plains
   4907(An) Buffalo Herd: 150/100%/100%
Hex 470: mountains
   Ruined Tower [1898]
        interior terrain: ruins
   4723(IM) Minotaurs: 50/100%/100%
Hex 471: high mountains
   4721(IM) Eagle-men: 40/100%/100%
Hex 473: mountains (Tr)
   Ugrak Da [1820(Tr)]: size 5 of 10
        interior terrain: caves
      3501(Tr*) King Bonecrusher (Troll Chief): 12 w.p./100%
      3502(Tr+) Chief Stonehide (Troll Chief): 12 w.p./100%
      3507(Tr) Troll Hero: 12 w.p./100%
      3510(Tr) Trolls: 50/100%/100%
      3518(Tr) Goblins: 50/100%/100%
   3509(Tr) Hobgoblin Captain: 6 w.p./100%
   3512(Tr) Hobgoblins: 100/100%/100%
Hex 476: hills (Gn)
   Gnomeport [1843(Gn)]: size 4 of 8
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 7
        city walls: rating:2 strength:6
      Gnomeport Keep [1858(Gn)]
           interior terrain: structure
           fortification rating:4 strength:14
         3703(Gn+) Lord Diamond (Gnome Lord): 10 w.p./100%
      3708(Gn) Gnome Captain: 10 w.p./100%
      3712(Gn) Gnome Warriors: 100/100%/100%
      3713(Gn) Gnome Archers: 50/100%/100%
Hex 477: jungle
   4811(GI) Giant Spiders: 35/100%/100%
Hex 479: farmlands (CE)
   El-Sha'al [1818(CE)]: size 15 of 25
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 8
        city walls: rating:3 strength:9
      The Jade Palace of El-Sha'al [1855(CE)]
           interior terrain: structure
           fortification rating:3 strength:11
         4600(CE) High Priest of Rakatar: 10 w.p./100%
              Resources: holy mana:30
         4601(CE*) Caliph of El-Sha'al (Emir): 8 w.p./100%
         4602(CE+) Vezir Jashar (Emir): 8 w.p./100%
         4605(CE) General Al-Nisel: 8 w.p./100%
         4610(CE) Light Infantry: 150/100%/100%
         4611(CE) Archers: 100/100%/100%
         4619(CE) Light Cavalry: 50/100%/100%
         4620(CE) Light Cavalry: 50/100%/100%
         4621(CE) Mounted Archers: 50/100%/100%
      4607(CE) Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      4622(CE) Light Cavalry: 50/100%/100%
Hex 480: hills (CE)
   Shakurat [1841(CE)]: size 4 of 8
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 6
      4606(CE) General Hasun: 8 w.p./100%
      4609(CE) Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      4616(CE) Medium Cavalry: 50/100%/100%
      4617(CE) Medium Cavalry: 50/100%/100%
      4623(CE) Light Infantry: 100/100%/100%
      4624(CE) Light Infantry: 100/100%/100%
Hex 499: hills (NI)
   Ellenstown [1823(NI)]: size 5 of 10
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 7
      Castle Ellen [1868(NI)]
           interior terrain: structure
           fortification rating:4 strength:14
         4503(NI+) Duke of Ellensisle (Noble): 8 w.p./100%
         4513(NI) Medium Infantry: 100/100%/100%
         4514(NI) Archers: 100/100%/100%
Hex 504: woods (EW)
   Oakford Castle [1856(EW)]
        interior terrain: structure
        fortification rating:4 strength:14
      4103(EW) Greycloak (Elven Wolfmaster): 10 w.p./100%
      4109(EW) Elven Ranger: 12 w.p./100%
      4112(EW) Wood Elves: 100/100%/100%
      4113(EW) Wood Elves: 100/100%/100%
      4114(EW) Elven Wolfriders: 75/100%/100%
Hex 508: wooded hills (Tr)
   Kazuk [1837(Tr)]: size 4 of 8
        interior terrain: wooded hills
        city trade rating: 5
      3503(Tr+) Chief Elfeater (Troll Chief): 12 w.p./100%
      3508(Tr) Hobgoblin Captain: 6 w.p./100%
      3513(Tr) Goblins: 100/100%/100%
      3514(Tr) Goblins: 100/100%/100%
      3515(Tr) Goblins: 100/100%/100%
      3516(Tr) Goblin Wolfriders: 40/100%/100%
      3517(Tr) Goblin Wolfriders: 40/100%/100%
Hex 510: farmlands (Gn)
   Goldenvale [1808(Gn)]: size 8 of 15
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 10
        city walls: rating:4 strength:12
      3701(Gn*) King Goldbeard (Gnome Lord): 10 w.p./100%
      3702(Gn+) Lord Gemfinder (Gnome Lord): 10 w.p./100%
      3704(Gn) Glimmernose (Gnome Wizard): 10 w.p./100%
           Resources: enchantment mana:30
      3707(Gn) Gnome Captain: 10 w.p./100%
      3710(Gn) Gnome Warriors: 100/100%/100%
      3711(Gn) Gnome Archers: 100/100%/100%
Hex 511: mountains (Gn)
   South Mountain Mines [1865(Gn)]
        interior terrain: caves
Hex 514: farmlands (CE)
   Caramish [1821(CE)]: size 5 of 10
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 10
      4603(CE+) Emir of Caramish: 8 w.p./100%
      4608(CE) Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      4614(CE) Light Infantry: 100/100%/100%
      4615(CE) Pikemen: 100/100%/100%
      4618(CE) Archers: 100/100%/100%
Hex 536: plains
   4905(An) Buffalo Herd: 125/100%/100%
Hex 539: woods (EW)
   Silverleaf [1807(EW)]: size 6 of 10
        interior terrain: woods
        city trade rating: 10
        city walls: rating:2 strength:7
      4101(EW*) King Goldenoak (Lord of the Woods): 12 w.p./100%
      4102(EW+) Prince Strongbow (Lord of the Woods): 12 w.p./100%
      4108(EW) Elven Ranger: 12 w.p./100%
      4110(EW) Wood Elves: 100/100%/100%
      4111(EW) Wood Elves: 100/100%/100%
Hex 540: woods (Dr)
   Stone Circle [1934(Dr)]
   4308(Dr) Minor Druid: 8 w.p./100%
   4309(Dr) Hero: 10 w.p./100%
   4310(Dr) Woodsmen: 75/100%/100%
   4315(Dr) Wolves: 100/100%/100%
Hex 541: plains
   4810(GI) Giant Ants: 400/100%/100%
Hex 542: plains
   Ruined Keep [1896]
        interior terrain: ruins
Hex 544: woods
   Stone Circle [1937]
Hex 547: jungle
   Overgrown Ruins [1899]
        interior terrain: ruins
   4802(GI) Giant Ants: 350/100%/100%
Hex 548: jungle
   4904(An) Crocodiles: 25/100%/100%
Hex 550: mountains
   Gold Mine [1895(IM)]
        interior terrain: caves
      4713(IM) Darklings: 200/100%/100%
Hex 569: hills
   Blasted Ruins [1888]
        interior terrain: ruins
   Iron Mine [1950]
        interior terrain: caves
Hex 571: plains (OQ)
   Eastguard Castle [1861(OQ)]
        interior terrain: structure
        fortification rating:4 strength:14
      3904(OQ+) Master of Eastguard (Noble): 8 w.p./100%
      3909(OQ) Knight: 10 w.p./100%
      3913(OQ) Crossbowmen: 100/100%/100%
      3919(OQ) Heavy Infantry: 100/100%/100%
Hex 572: hills
   Lowhill [1911(Lo)]: size 2 of 4
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 5
        city walls: rating:1 strength:4
      5301(Lo) Hill Men: 100/100%/100%
Hex 573: wooded hills (Dr)
   Stone Circle [1946(Dr)]
   4303(Dr+) Master Druid of Rowans: 10 w.p./100%
   4312(Dr) Woodsmen: 50/100%/100%
   4313(Dr) Hill Men: 50/100%/100%
Hex 577: swamp
   4903(An) Crocodiles: 25/100%/100%
Hex 578: plains
   Ruined City [1897]
        interior terrain: ruins
   4902(An) Buffalo Herd: 120/100%/100%
Hex 580: hills
   Iron Mine [1931]
        interior terrain: caves
   4705(IM) Minotaurs: 40/100%/100%
Hex 581: hills
   4901(An) Lions: 10/100%/100%
Hex 584: jungle
   4722(IM) Cat-men: 50/100%/100%
Hex 587: farmlands (QW)
   Ivory [1838(QW)]: size 4 of 8
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 7
        city walls: rating:2 strength:8
      Ivory Tower [1857(QW)]
           interior terrain: structure
           fortification rating:4 strength:14
         3802(QW) General Shablak: 8 w.p./100%
         3810(QW) Medium Infantry: 100/100%/100%
         3811(QW) Crossbowmen: 100/100%/100%
      3809(QW) Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      3819(QW) Heavy Infantry: 75/100%/100%
      3820(QW) Heavy Infantry: 75/100%/100%
Hex 588: farmlands (QW)
   Pearl [1812(QW)]: size 10 of 20
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 10
        city walls: rating:3 strength:11
      Pearl Keep [1851(QW)]
           interior terrain: structure
           fortification rating:4 strength:14
         3801(QW*) Queen Aratin of Wey (Warlord): 10 w.p./100%
         3803(QW) General D'Yalla: 8 w.p./100%
         3812(QW) Heavy Infantry: 50/100%/100%
         3813(QW) Crossbowmen: 100/100%/100%
      3807(QW) Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      3817(QW) Medium Infantry: 100/100%/100%
      3818(QW) Medium Infantry: 100/100%/100%
Hex 606: desert
   4807(GI) Giant Scorpions: 25/100%/100%
Hex 607: desert
   Oasis [1887]
        interior terrain: desert
Hex 608: wooded hills
   4710(IM) Centaurs: 50/100%/100%
Hex 610: wooded hills
   Gold Mine [1891(IM)]
        interior terrain: caves
      4714(IM) Darklings: 100/100%/100%
Hex 612: swamp
   4718(IM) Bog Crabs: 50/100%/100%
Hex 613: plains (FC)
   Grancor [1894(FC)]: size 6 of 12
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 10
        city walls: rating:3 strength:9
      5101(FC) Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      5102(FC) Heavy Infantry: 150/100%/100%
      5103(FC) Crossbowmen: 100/100%/100%
      5104(FC) City Guard (Medium Infantry): 50/100%/100%
Hex 614: plains (FC)
   Freetown [1890(FC)]: size 5 of 10
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 8
        city walls: rating:3 strength:9
      5105(FC) Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      5106(FC) Medium Infantry: 150/100%/100%
      5107(FC) Archers: 150/100%/100%
      5108(FC) City Guard (Heavy Infantry): 40/100%/100%
   5109(FC) Patrol (Medium Cavalry): 75/100%/100%
Hex 615: plains
   4906(An) Buffalo Herd: 50/100%/100%
Hex 621: farmlands (QW)
   3821(QW) Light Cavalry: 50/100%/100%
Hex 640: wastelands (VL)
   Ruined Port [1893(VL)]
        interior terrain: ruins
Hex 644: hills
   Clearbrooke [1912(Cl)]: size 2 of 4
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 5
        city walls: rating:2 strength:6
      5401(Cl) Medium Infantry: 100/100%/100%
Hex 645: wooded hills
   Stone Circle [1939]
Hex 647: swamp (BM)
   3302(BM) Bear-man: 12 w.p./100%
   3304(BM) Toad-man: 10 w.p./100%
   3313(BM) Frog-men: 100/100%/100%
Hex 648: woods
   Stone Circle [1938]
Hex 649: wooded hills
   4804(GI) Giant Ants: 200/100%/100%
Hex 650: hills
   Gold Mine [1903(IM)]
        interior terrain: caves
      4712(IM) Darklings: 100/100%/100%
Hex 651: high mountains
   4803(GI) Giant Spiders: 35/100%/100%
Hex 653: mountains (Dw)
   Mount Greyfist [1802(Dw)]: size 6 of 10
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 10
        city walls: rating:5 strength:16
      Castle Greyfist [1850(Dw)]
           interior terrain: structure
           fortification rating:5 strength:18
         4201(Dw*) King Silverhammer (Dwarven Lord): 12 w.p./100%
         4202(Dw+) Prince Skullbreaker (Dwarven Lord): 12 w.p./100%
         4210(Dw) Dwarven Infantry: 75/100%/100%
         4211(Dw) Dwarven Infantry: 75/100%/100%
         4212(Dw) Dwarven Crossbowmen: 50/100%/100%
      4208(Dw) Dwarven Captain: 10 w.p./100%
      4209(Dw) Gnome Captain: 10 w.p./100%
      4213(Dw) Dwarven Infantry: 75/100%/100%
      4214(Dw) Dwarven Crossbowmen: 50/100%/100%
      4217(Dw) Gnome Archers: 50/100%/100%
Hex 656: plains (QW)
   Coral [1828(QW)]: size 5 of 10
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 7
        city walls: rating:3 strength:11
      3804(QW) General Muto: 8 w.p./100%
      3806(QW) Grand Mahout: 8 w.p./100%
      3808(QW) Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      3814(QW) Crossbowmen: 100/100%/100%
      3815(QW) Heavy Infantry: 100/100%/100%
      3816(QW) Elephant Riders: 20/100%/100%
Hex 674: mountains (VL)
   The Bone Palace [1846(VL)]
        interior terrain: ruins
        fortification rating:4 strength:13
      3101(VL*) The Vampire Lord (Greater Vampire): 12 w.p./100%
      3102(VL) Vampire: 10 w.p./100%
      3103(VL) Vampire: 10 w.p./100%
      3108(VL) Skeleton Knight: 8 w.p./100%
      3109(VL) Hero: 10 w.p./100%
      3110(VL) Mercenaries (Medium Infantry): 50/100%/100%
      3111(VL) Mountain Men: 30/100%/100%
      3112(VL) Skeletons: 25/100%/100%
      3113(VL) Zombies: 100/100%/100%
Hex 676: desert (Sm)
   Oasis [1886(Sm)]
        interior terrain: desert
        wall rating:2 strength:6
      3408(Sm) Snakeman Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      3412(Sm) Desert Snakemen: 100/100%/100%
      3413(Sm) Desert Snakemen: 100/100%/100%
Hex 677: swamp (Sm)
   3409(Sm) Snakeman Captain: 8 w.p./100%
   3414(Sm) Marsh Snakemen: 100/100%/100%
   3415(Sm) Dzarek Riders: 40/100%/100%
Hex 679: hills
   Ruined Castle [1892]
        interior terrain: ruins
Hex 680: hills
   3314(BM) Fox-man: 4 w.p./100%
   4703(IM) Minotaurs: 35/100%/100%
   4708(IM) Giants: 25/100%/100%
Hex 682: woods
   3315(BM) Fox-man: 4 w.p./100%
   4701(IM) Centaurs: 40/100%/100%
Hex 686: high mountains
   4909(An) Giant Eagles: 50/100%/100%
Hex 688: mountains (Dw)
   Mines of Stoneaxe [1866(Dw)]
        interior terrain: caves
Hex 689: mountains (Dw)
   Ironpoint [1832(Dw)]: size 4 of 6
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 6
        city walls: rating:4 strength:12
      4203(Dw+) Lord of Ironpoint (Dwarven Lord): 12 w.p./100%
      4207(Dw) Dwarven Captain: 10 w.p./100%
      4215(Dw) Dwarven Infantry: 75/100%/100%
      4216(Dw) Dwarven Crossbowmen: 50/100%/100%
   Ironpoint Mines [1863(Dw)]
        interior terrain: caves
Hex 710: wastelands
   Ruined Town [1889]
        interior terrain: ruins
Hex 711: swamp
   4719(IM) Bog Crabs: 40/100%/100%
Hex 712: swamp (Sm)
   Shebesh Ssash [1801(Sm)]: size 3 of 10
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 2
      3401(Sm*) King Ssurish (Snakeman Lord): 12 w.p./100%
      3402(Sm+) Lord Shishrash (Snakeman Lord): 12 w.p./100%
         Rod of Ssss [1952(Sm)]
      3403(Sm) Marshal Essh'sh (Snakeman General): 8 w.p./100%
      3407(Sm) Snakeman Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      3410(Sm) Grey Snakemen: 75/100%/100%
      3411(Sm) Grey Snakemen: 75/100%/100%
      3416(Sm) Black Snakemen: 100/100%/100%
Hex 718: woods
   Stone Circle [1917]
Hex 719: woods (EK)
   North Tower [1848(EK)]
        interior terrain: structure
        fortification rating:4 strength:12
      4404(EK+) North Warden (Noble): 8 w.p./100%
      4409(EK) Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      4412(EK) Light Infantry: 50/100%/100%
      4413(EK) Archers: 50/100%/100%
      4415(EK) Heavy Infantry: 75/100%/100%
      4416(EK) Heavy Infantry: 75/100%/100%
      4417(EK) Archers: 50/100%/100%
Hex 721: farmlands (EK)
   Tradition [1840(EK)]: size 4 of 6
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 6
      4402(EK+) Prince Larulf (Noble): 8 w.p./100%
Hex 722: hills (EK)
   South Tower [1860(EK)]
        interior terrain: structure
        fortification rating:4 strength:14
      4410(EK) Light Infantry: 50/100%/100%
      4411(EK) Archers: 50/100%/100%
Hex 750: hills (BM)
   Stronghold of the Beast Master [1902(BM)]
        interior terrain: hills
        fortification rating:2 strength:8
      3301(BM*) The Beast Master (Lion-man): 16 w.p./100%
      3303(BM) Vulture-man: 10 w.p./100%
           Resources: enchantment mana:20
      3309(BM) Lizard-man: 10 w.p./100%
      3310(BM) Dog-men: 75/100%/100%
      3311(BM) Dog-men: 75/100%/100%
      3312(BM) Wolf-men: 100/100%/100%
Hex 752: hills
   Ruined Temple [1901]
        interior terrain: ruins
   4707(IM) Hobgoblins: 50/100%/100%
Hex 754: farmlands (EK)
   Eastport [1810(EK)]: size 8 of 15
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 10
        city walls: rating:2 strength:7
      4401(EK*) King of The East (Noble): 8 w.p./100%
      4405(EK) High Priest of Duhal: 10 w.p./100%
           Resources: holy mana:30
      4408(EK) Captain: 8 w.p./100%
      4414(EK) Heavy Cavalry: 25/100%/100%
Hex 755: farmlands (EK)
   Sandport [1824(EK)]: size 5 of 10
        interior terrain: city
        city trade rating: 8
        city walls: rating:2 strength:6
      4403(EK+) Duke of Sandport (Noble): 8 w.p./100%
Hex 817: hills
   Stone Circle [1945]
Hex 818: high mountains
   Ancient Ruined Fort [1910]
        interior terrain: ruins
   Gold Mine [1905(IM)]
        interior terrain: caves
      4715(IM) Darklings: 100/100%/100%
   4716(IM) Giants: 40/100%/100%